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PRIMARY (5-11)
Below are some of the huge library of documents across a whole range of subjects, ages and abilities.
Don't see what you want? Email or freetext us, it might be in our back catalogue! We can add to the shop on request in minutes! If not, we can make one for you at reasonable rates and provide a free consultation.
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11+ Survival Guide part 1:
One of eight essential Verbal Reasoning sections
for ALL selective schools (the other seven, and many
more 11+ skills are in our shop or back catalogue.)
Mathematics- Times Tables:
Our EXCLUSIVE guide on how to learn times tables,
using a pattern method unique to us!
English Grammar Part 1:
Worksheets on classic grammar errors like its/
it's, your/you're, apostrophes, who's and whose
- and more! More sections on this and more primary
work are available in our back catalogue or in our shop.

French grammar- verbs:
A guide on how to make verbs in French (regular
verbs) suitable for primary- A level. See our shop or backcatalgoue for more!
Spanish grammar- verbs:
A guide on how to make verbs in Spanish (regular
verbs) suitable for primary- A level. See our shop or backcatalgoue for more!
Pythagoras Theorem:
How to make sense of Pythagoras' Theorem
with triangles and some background on the
man himself! Many more Maths guides are in
our shop or backcatalogue!
English- poetry:
An in-depth guide on themes, context and imagery
of 'War Photographer' by Carol Anne Duffy. We
have many other poems in shop or our backcat.
History- The Tudors:
An in-depth guide on the comparison of the system
Henry VII took over to what aims and policies he had
to reform it into a centralised, autocratic system.
English Literature
An in-depth guide to all the major characters in the
Great Gatsby. Minor characters, themes, language
and context guides on this book and many more are
in our shop or backcatalogue.
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