“The (he)art behind all learning”
Email topclasstutors1@gmail.com
How do lessons work?
Work is given to try before the lesson by email for you to print off or use in the PDF format provided (Foxit Reader is our recommended app). The tutor plans lessons 10 in advance to ensure we are covering all the bases, with room for flexibility should an urgent educational issue come up. In lessons we go over the homework as well as new tasks that are given out beforehand. The tutors can also help with school work.
What if they get stuck on the work?
If a pupil needs help that’s fine, just put an ‘H’ on the questions that needed help before you email the work back to the tutor. In the lesson the tutor will offer 100% support for any questions that are a problem. But the work has to be attempted. Three sets of not tried work will result in cancellation as the sessions don’t work if the tasks are not tried.
What is the lesson policy?
Good codes of conduct are expected from tutor and pupil. This includes being punctual, no presence of drugs or alcohol, no bad language or bad behaviour (special needs aside) and (for tutors) appropriate dress code. The tutors operate a friendly and informal but structured lesson format to ensure they engage with the students well.
How long do lessons last?
Till the problems are fixed. Pupils stay anything from 20 weeks to many years! Minimum contract is eight lessons, usually done for last minute exam preparations. Lessons are usually an hour week per subject, and discounts are given to those who want more than two hours a week, those who have more than one family member attending, or who require full time tuition because they are not at school.
How are lessons paid for?
It is a minimum of one week in advance. Most pay in advance by the month, and some by the term (approximately every 10 weeks.) Payment method is up to the tutor but they will tend to take BACS, online banking and/or PayPal. Please arrange with the tutor the best method for you both.
What sort of feedback will I get?
Tutors try to give out a written report every 6-10 weeks and a verbal report usually at the end of every session. Tutors are happy to provide answers outside of the lesson by text or email.
Are there any other pupils in the lesson?
No. All sessions are always 1-2-1 so the pupil gets 100% of the tutor’s attention at all times.
What if I have a problem?
Tutors, pupils and parents are allowed to cancel sessions if rules of conduct are broken or they have a serious personal issue with the arrangement. Lesson times/days can be changed with good reason and notice given subject to availability. Lesson stoppage needs two weeks’ (paid) notice but attendance is not compulsory.
What if I want to stop due to exams being finished/ the tutor has addressed all the issues?
Two weeks’ notice (paid) is required when you want to stop, and the lessons can be taught.
What if I’d like another subject/ a new contract for someone else?
First point of contact is the tutor to see if they can cover it. If not, do contact the agency topclasstutors1@gmail.com and a new tutor will be obtained for you.
Academic Guides
Our Docs In Stock!​​™
We have a huge library of exam, lesson, course guides and papers across a large variety of subjects and ages. Just email us with what you need and if we have it, we can arrange for you to buy it in minutes! Prices start at £2.

Bespoke Guides
​If we do not have the Docs In Stock™ you need, we can make one just for your needs! Again, any age, subject and ability level. These are made with YOUR needs in mind, so please list them or discuss them with us, FREE of charge. Prices start at just £20. These can be used to revise for exams, back up school lessons or give home instructors or independent students full programmes to give to their children or use themselves. Depending on document length and level, these can be produced and sent to you from 48 hours after confirming content, and the academic receiving payment.
FREE SAMPLES are available for quality assurance.
100% satisfaction from over 500 clients since 2012.

+ Primary Literacy and Mathematics
+ GCSEs, BTECs, A/S, A levels and BACCs
+ Humanities (History, Geography, Psychology)
+ Grammar, Language, Literature and Creative Writing
+ Sciences
+ Philosophy, Classics and Ethics
+ Languages
What if I'm a tutor or academic who wishes to be a tutor or submit a guide?
It's simple! Contact us at topclasstutors1@gmail.com with a sample guide and cover letter, and provided it complies with our high standards, we discuss what you have to offer and how we prefer them to be formatted, then we upload it/them for you FREE in our shop. You get 60% of all your sales (sent to you via PayPal or online banking on a monthly basis, minimum amount that will be sent at a time is £10.) You are responsible for proofreading the documents and we do not accept documents that contain grammar, content or layout errors. You are responsible for your tax declarations.
If you are not sure what we might want, please check our our free samples by clicking here.
YOU keep copyright, and YOUR NAME (but no contact details) is on the document. Look on our sales and/or shop page for typical rates that we charge. You can also be on our register for tutors and bespoke guides provided you fill in our form; provide ID and CRB check; proof of qualifications and send us sample guide/work(s) as above.
Please note we do not charge tutors or clients for providing a tutor, BUT our commission on lessons is 15% payable to us from the tutor for the entire length of the contract via PayPal, online banking or BACS monthly after the lessons have taken place by the 1st of the following month. This is a goodwill gesture as most agencies take your money then send you the fees minus commission and often payments are delayed which we feel does not provide a good tutor-agency rapport, However, reminders of late payments will accrue an extra charge of £15 per reminder. Three reminders in a row would result in closing the contract and removing the tutor from our database for tuition and course guide writing. We have never had to do this but of course rules have to be in place for that possible scenario.
And more!

Come and join us on the FORUMS!
Email or FREETEXT:
F77ET to 60777

Top Class Tutors and Academics are just a click away!

For low incomes (official proof required) and bulk buys (over 5 at a time) of course guides/ more than one hour of tuition per week/ homeschooled and/or independent pupils. Click here for our price list and brief T&Cs.
Email us or contact us for more information!

+ in receipt of tax credits or other government sanctioned benefits
+ in need of lessons for more than one family member
+ in need of support for home schooling (tuition and/or guides)
+ requiring full course guides for independent and mature students
+ in need of a block of lessons for examinations with a short time frame
+ in need of long term tuition or course guides (over a year)